We are looking for foster homes in North and South Carolina. Right now we have an immediate need for a foster home for a 3 year old male Berner. He is overall a loving sweet normal 3 year old boy. He does love to eat socks, his foster home will need to be extremely diligent and keep all socks locked away. He also has some growling that he does in certain situations. The growling is not aggressive and he has never been truly aggressive with his humans. Because of this growling he would need a foster home who is dog savvy & large breed experience and one that is willing to work with him using positive training techniques.
If you live in North or South Carolina or live in a neighboring state and are willing to drive to one of the Carolinas to possibly pickup a Berner, and you want to help give a Berner a new start in life, please complete our foster application and return it to info@bfwrescue.org
For more info about our foster program please click on the following link: https://www.bfwrescue.org/post/please-consider-fostering-a-bernese-mountain-dog